And as promised, here’s an extra chapter for this month!
Of course I know that the goal would be met in no time and considering the length of the chapter, it’s all well in the end.
Remember that this was a onetime deal. Now back to usual business. The next chapter of Risou will come sometime in February.
There’s no harm in continuing to comment, though.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the great wokr!
Thanks for the extra chapter.
Thank you
Thanks for the chapter
I thank thee, good sir, for thy kindness in sharing thy translations.
Rip comments
Thanks again.
thank you for the chapter
Many thanks for the chap’!
Thanks for the chapter. Always looking forward to Risou. :3
oooo helll yeahh
That was quicker than I expected. Thanks for the chapter prozess.
Felt like an idiot after somehow misreading the one sentence that preemptively answered my question on the other post, but didn’t want to add another post afterward to mislead the count. I blame my eagerness. Oh well. Thanks ingro for pointing it out and prozess for more reading.
How many chapters are in this volume anyway?
halla halla at you
Thanks for your amazing work!
Nice work, thankyou.
thank u very much!! “bows”
Thank you very much.
New chapter released on my birthday, thanks!
Thanks for the release! BTW found a small typo/grammo: “they wasn’t partaking in the battle” -> weren’t
thanks a lot for the chapter
Comments are Easy
Comments are Nice
Thank you for the chapter, Prozess
and may we Comment all night!
Hi There,
first of all Thanks for this nice piece of work. I just have started to read ur comments for the last couple of releases. I just got the impression that u are from Germany by reading them. Well if this the case, Viele Grüße aus Neuss.
Otherwise i hope u to see more of your translations in the future.
I hope the guys will comment also here a little bit more.
Cheers Guys
You shouldn’t retire before finishing tsuki tsuki.
No idea how many years I have to wait for that^^
Yeah it’s at the point where you feel paranoid the author’s health will suddenly fail before it sees the light of day.
feels like Risou is more of a genuine novel than light novel,
Recently I’ve gotten more translation work from my employer, since technically I’m the most educated person in the company, aside from the managers.
Point is, I’ve gotten a newfound respect for translators and you in particular. Right now, I’m working to translate a document that was originally French, translated to English by someone else and now I have to translate that into Dutch. And I’m sure you know how well (not) the French speak English, so that translation is a bit of a mess. Can’t imagine what it is like to translate from Japanese to German and then to English (I believe I read in one of your postst that’s what you do. Correct me if I’m wrong.
What I’m trying to say, is thank you.